Today is the 1st anniversary of KK's death. I suppose this would be an update of sorts. His Estate I would say about 50 percent of things have been settled. Some insurance policies have been paid out, I have sold the car, sold the motorbike, cleared off most of his possessions, obtained probate from the court, changed ownership of the home from joint to single owner, wound down his company. The police investigation is still ongoing (I'm not sure what they are investigating precisely), some insurance is still unpaid because of the lack of a coroner's report, some bank accounts still need to be resolved, there is some complex stuff that needs to be sorted out. I don't think I am doing a good job of this. The bureaucracy of death is truly quite sickening. There is also the fact that I would make a lousy accountant or auditor. I'm just not good with paper trails and chasing down every loose end. There are bazillions of loose ends still hanging, which I am not even bothe...
Celebrating the life of Loh Kar Kheng