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Showing posts from October, 2012

ER Loh! ER Loh!

He’s really, really got it. The exam, passed on the fourth painful attempt, followed by the interview, and then the news that KK now qualifies as Er. (short for Engineer) Loh. All we really needed was the official statement and the pay raise (not yet), right. But what a big unexpectedly lavish event it was. It’s like a freaking convocation. How this country loves its engineers! Today, professional engineers, old and new, congregate at the Jubilee Hall in the Gardens by the Bay flower dome (it’s the event hall with a galaxy of balls on the ceiling) for the Professional Engineers Board Day of Dedication. There’s a newspaper supplement! A Minister who hands out the thick parchment scrolls to all the ‘new’ Ers! A very serious swearing-in ceremony in which all the ERs read aloud a 106-word pledge  (I counted) to “dedicate my service to the development of society…”! Everyone wears ties! (KK struggles to follow the Youtube instructions on his phone. I, well-versed in tying RGS school ties...