This is KK’s fourth try now, to try and cross the Professional Engineering hurdle. It's an annual ritual that has become familiar to me and the kids. It’s the only time in the year when we head downtown on a working weekday evening to the SMU campus, and wait for papa to come out with a whole lot of other men who are similarly dragging textbook-filled trolley bags around. He, however, seems to be the only candidate with a posse of one big and three small cheerleaders madly jumping outside the door to try and see him through the glass slit. * KK in white at the back The lead-up to the big event has also been the same for four years: The nightly studying which starts several months before, his overcast mien on his birthday (which always takes place a few weeks before the exam) and my having to take over all household duties for a while. Also similar every year is the same strange mix of relief and despondency as he walks out of the exam hall and sighs. What I have figured, if I could...
Celebrating the life of Loh Kar Kheng