Driving over the Benjamin Sheare’s bridge towards the city, the Singapore Flyer looms up on the left. Far in the distance beyond the sea is what looks like a dam under construction – the Marina Barrage – and that’s just about where we tucked ourselves to enjoy the National Day fireworks. That’s where KK works, day after day, stomping all over the reclaimed land and inspecting the soil to make sure it can hold up the spectacular Gardens By The Bay. Highlights of NDP 2008: Trekking across slippery hoarding boards, drains filled with muddy brown water and climbing up huge gunny-sack covered earth mounds (technically called “surcharge fills” and how I know is because I vetted his report) to get a better view. With both of us carrying one child and one umbrella each (plus I had a camera and a bag of Ruffles chips) I am seized with joy at our foolhardiness. Day scampers happily alongside, digging in for handfuls of Ruffles every few metres. Dee hates roughing-...
Celebrating the life of Loh Kar Kheng