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Showing posts from February, 2006


This is my first-ever blog posting in Capital Letters and that's because it's something that is so, so important.  Essentially, whole family is going to Sydney in a few months time with toddler and newborn babe in tow, and all four of us are going to live on nothing but the meagre savings of a lowly paid engineer and a stay-home mom. (savings are also going to pay for hubby's astronomical school fees) For over a year.   What an adventure eh! God knows, this has been a long time coming. Since KK graduated a decade ago he's been raring to get his Masters degree in civil engineering, but the local unis flatly rejected him year after year and the last straw was when my nasty letter to a uni dean, asking exactly what was the problem with KK, was answered in a most pragmatic and cold manner: With such awful university grades (lots of Fs), albeit from 10 years ago, the most brilliant job record would never get him into the uni. Fine. That's that for never-give-ch...